Practical information
1st International Conference on Written Corrective Feedback in L1 and L2 (WCF23)
Location and transportation
Vic is located 65 km (40 miles) from Barcelona (Spain). There are several ways to get to Vic.
By plane
You can go from Barcelona or Girona to Vic by car, bus, train, or taxi. It takes approximately 1 hour to go from Barcelona or Girona to Vic.
By bus:
By train:
Renfe (15€ approx., return). Line R3
By taxi:
There are several private taxi services between Barcelona/Girona and Vic. The trip costs approx. 130€.
All hotels are between 10-15 minutes' walking distance to the Universitat de Vic.
Hotel Up Rooms Vic
Passatge de Can Mastrot s/n
+34 938 892 551
info@uproomsvic.comSeminari de Vic
Ronda Camprodon, núm. 2
+34 938 861 555
estades@seminarivic.catHotel Estació del Nord
Pl. de l’Estació, núm. 4
+34 935 166 292
info@estaciodelnord.comHotel Les Clarisses
Pl. de Malla, núm. 1
+34 936 606 000
info@lesclarisses.comHotel Can Pamplona
Eix Onze de Setembre, 10
+34 938 833 112
info@canpamplona.comHotel Balmes
Francesc Pla el Vigatà, 6
+34 938 891 272
More information via the Vic tourist office: